

Athletic & Personal Training

EastSide Centre offers two types of athletic and personal training:

  • Sports Performance Training
  • Personal Training
Our personal trainers educate, motivate and help clients succeed!

Sports Performance Training

Our goal here at EastSide Centre is to help our young athletes become the best that they can be no matter what sport they play. We maximize athletic performance first by developing the core so that all of their stabilizers engage with movement. We will teach our athletes how to increase ground force which will help with sport specific speed, agility and reactive abilities. We will develop a sport specific conditioning program at the level necessary for every athlete (in season or off season) to excel no matter what the sport may be.

With our plyometric program we will build explosive and durable athletes that will have an elite mindset along with an unbeatable work ethic. Give us a call for all sports performance needs!

Sports Performance Training Pricing can be found here.

For more information, contact Al Nimmo, (309) 427-7781.

Personal Training

Need motivation? Need a program of exactly what to do in order to reach your personal fitness/weightloss/health- related goals?

EastSide personal training is for YOU!

Come experience the best way to get the results that you are looking for by working with an EastSide Personal Trainer. Don’t waste your membership and time. Streamline your workouts into exactly what you need with training. Find your limits and go beyond them.

One on One, partner (2 people), or Group Training is available.


One on One Personal training: $35/ session or $198/ package (6 sessions)

Partner (2 people) training: $25 per person/session or $130 per person/package (6 sessions)

Contact Barbie Tiesman for more information. 309-427-7774 or


Program features:

  • Muscular strength and endurance
  • Cardiovascular endurance
  • Flexibility and functional development
  • Programs for basic and advanced fitness, post-rehabilitation and special needs

Our East Peoria personal trainers monitor a client’s progress by using consistent evaluations and assessments. The trainer measures several essential fitness elements including body composition, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and flexibility.

Try personal training – see and feel the results!

Group Training

Come workout with a group and get results!

Each session will include bouts of cardio mixed in with weight training and whole body exercises, while utilizing all aspects of our facility and equipment with a certified Personal Trainer. Dedication and consistency equals results. Beginner, as well as advanced options are offered. You will never go back to just working out on your own again. Fun, challenging, and addicting!

Program features:

  • Anyone over the age of 15
  • 6 weeks for $200 per person
  • 2 training workouts per week = 12 training sessions
  • 4-12 people per group

For more information, contact Barbie Tiesman 309-427-7774 or email